interdimensional portals locations

It was located near a saddle in the mountains–just north of you know what. He did so but eventually realized that he was no longer on the road. But interdimensional portals also turn out to be a subject of interest for many websites dealing with religion and mysticism. You can actually communicate with dimensional wildlife! There are three main Grids that operate through and around Earth; the first we will look at is the Crystalline Grid, which links the Crystals in the Earth. You simply go there, your intention takes you straight there, open up your awareness by simply trusting what you intuit is happening. Sometimes the energy may need to be closed, like the Pyramid in the Bermuda Triangle that was sucking in all the airplanes and ships into it.

According to Walt, this lasted several minutes before it slowly faded. This could be a secret the ancient people knew. Don’t forget people NASA have actually confirmed the existence of Portals, mostly between the sun and earth (please click HERE for more info) and if this is the case and we have only just discovered this, then the possibilities of what the far more advanced Aliens have discovered are endless! Any skepticism I had about this crazy site vanished. I remember glancing back at this lonely part of the world, wondering if there was truly something within the area that could alter time at random. In fact when the Spanish chroniclers came to Peru and investigated the shamanic traditions there, they were told about God named Viracocha who came in garb of man to inspect his territory, and he had given men different orders, and there were some who disobeyed them, and he promptly turned them to stone. But is Puerta del Hijo Marka the only mysterious place in Peru? It was as if someone was trying to ram her off the road. The footage above that shows a man walking through the doors of a closed shop and into some kind of flashing portal appeared online in April 2016. Below to my left was a canyon–where none had existed. Being in a jubilant mood, they began chasing one another through the opening in a playful manner. There, her parents notified police. He made an expedition just to see the stone face, and one at Markawasi, he was astonished to see there were hundreds of such carved stones”. Crystals both physical and on the higher levels in mountains like Macchu Picchu in the Andes, Mt Kailash in Tibet, the Crown Chakra of Earth, and home of Shiva and Pravati. “The hole was initially large but gradually narrowed down, and as I entered the ‘tunnel’, a strange thing happened. Could such a discrepancy in time and distance happen and could ETs be using such gateways to travel to earth? Always trust what you feel to bring, if any thing at all. Some portals are doorways to Light Cities and on the Wesak Full Moon May 2000 I was called to Mukinath 5,000 meters high in the Himalayas in Nepal bordering Tibet, as the Shambala energy came into the planet, this was a doorway for this to anchor on the earth plane. So accessing these doorways is very easy at the locations they are mapped onto the landscape on Earth, but when you are clear enough you can travel through these Stargates regardless of where you are. And could this be the optical effect of a ship or craft coming out of dimensional travel? Subscribe to our WEEKLY Newsletter (One week’s worth of updates each Monday). When people go there, they experience a special kind of energy – or a state of Euphoria”. var _wau = _wau || []; _wau.push(["classic", "egtq69mrk0ps", "fdr"]); Over several weeks, we became friends and learned a great deal of the history about the area from him. Learn more about

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