mesoamerican ball game

Separate Wiedergabe von Einzelspielern. His knees have protective pads. It was played by the Mayans and the Aztecs, and there is some evidence that it might have originated with the Olmecs. Players were not allowed to touch the ball with their hands. Die Utensilien des Spiels - Kleidung, Kopfschmuck, Handschuhe, alles außer dem Stein - sind längst verschwunden. [Source: "The Mesoamerican Ball Game"]. Ritualistic headdresses and other garments were common within religious ceremonial games as well. "The Ball Game of Mesoamerica." There are three different ways to play ulama, all somewhat similar to Tlachtili, in which players may use their hips, forearms, or paddles to hit a ball. A clay model found of the game shows what appear to be two teams of three, with possibly a referee and goals marked on the field. All of these trophies are frequently found in graves and are reminders of the link between the sport and the underworld in Mesoamerican mythology. Fruchtbarkeit. The losers sometimes sold themselves into slavery just so they could pay off their debt. The exact rules of the game are not known for certain and in all probability there were variations across the various cultures and different periods. The Classic Maya even invented a parallel game where captives, once defeated in the real game, were tied up and used as balls themselves and unceremoniously rolled down a flight of steps. Obwohl die Gassen in frühen Ballplätzen offen waren, hatten spätere Ballplätze Endzonen umschlossen, was der Struktur von oben gesehen eine Form gab. Andere Wissenschaftler unterstützen diese Argumente, indem sie auf die Kriegsbilder verweisen, die häufig auf Ballplätzen zu finden sind: Die Assoziation zwischen Menschenopfer und Ballspiel erscheint ziemlich spät in der archäologischen Aufzeichnung, nicht früher als in der klassischen Ära .
Die aztekische Version des Ballspiels heißt ōllamalitzli (manchmal ullamaliztli geschrieben ) und leitet sich vom Wort ōlli "Gummi" und dem Verb ōllama oder "Ball spielen" ab. Some content of the original page may have been edited to make it more suitable for younger readers, unless otherwise noted. A Mesoamerican ballcourt is a large masonry structure of a type used in Mesoamerica for over 2,700 years to play the Mesoamerican ballgame, particularly the hip-ball version of the ballgame. Even winners might be injured because the ball was heavy and dangerous, as Spanish conquerors, amazed by the speed and movement of the rubber balls, wrote. Ein Zwei-Spieler-Spiel auf einem offenen Mauerplatz. Ancient History Encyclopedia Foundation is a non-profit organization. This page was last changed on 25 September 2014, at 06:31. Im Gegensatz dazu liegen Nord- Chiapas und die Im nördlichen Maya-Tiefland gibt es relativ wenige, und an einigen wichtigen Orten, darunter Teotihuacan , Bonampak und Tortuguero , fehlen auffallend Ballplätze, obwohl dort eine ōllamaliztli-Ikonographie gefunden wurde. Dies ist der offensichtlichste symbolische Aspekt des Spiels (siehe auch oben, "Proxy for Warfare"). Im modernen Spanisch heißt es Juego de Pelota Maya ("Maya-Ballspiel"), Juego de Pelota Mesoamericano ("Mesoamerikanisches Ballspiel") oder einfach Pelota Maya ("Maya-Ball"). Und in Chichen Itza (900–1200 n.
Ab etwa 1000 v. Chr. The mysterious Olmec civilization, located in ancient Mexico, prospered... Joshua J. Cornell, T., & Allen, T. B. Our latest articles delivered to your inbox, once a week: Numerous educational institutions recommend us, including Oxford University and Michigan State University and University of Missouri. Die religiöse und quasi-historische postklassische Maya-Erzählung Popol Vuh verbindet auch Menschenopfer mit dem Ballspiel (siehe unten). Hier in Paso de la Amada haben Archäologen den ältesten bisher entdeckten Ballplatz gefunden, der auf etwa 1400 v. Chr. The players were allowed to use only their heads, elbows, legs, and hips to hit the ball. There was also an alternative version, less-widespread, where players used sticks to hit the ball. The ball could vary in size from site to site (probably weighing between .5 and 7 kg) and could be hollow to increase the bounce. Die Ballplätze in El Tajín und Chichen Itza sind jedoch keine fast nackten und manchmal misshandelten Gefangenen, sondern zeigen das Opfer geübter Ballspieler, vielleicht des Kapitäns einer Mannschaft. Some of its primary elements remain the same; the goal was to keep a rubber ball in play, passing it back and forth volleyball-style between two teams until one team failed to return it. Ōllamaliztli, commonly referred to as the Mesoamerican ball game, was a wildly popular spectator sport with heavy religious association, played among many societies throughout the Mesoamerican region for several millennia. Presumably, it could be no bigger than the inside perimeter of the hoops.

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