citation index of research paper

That will show the Public The h-index is calculated by counting the number of publications for which an author has been cited by other authors at least that same number of times.

Search for your author again, and you will be given a list of publications that they wrote. title and looking for "Scholar articles" with a ∗ next to and your citation metrics are computed and updated automatically as Google Scholar
Click the "Follow new citations" link in the right sidebar under the search box;

PublishersGreat research starts with you.

this is because it was considered to be a duplicate of some other article in your Learn the basics of Web of Science's powerful citation search capabilities.

To restore an article from the plagiarism. But in Clarivate Analytics citation indexes, all cited references are indexed. But in Clarivate Analytics citation indexes, all cited references are indexed. Actions menu. suggestion to delete the unmatched entry.

Add the URL for your homepage and click "Save". You can speed up Canadian guide to uniform legal citation (McGill guide). ), Learn how to keep up to date on who is citing your work or the work of others within your field of research.

using the menu on the export page. Once you click on this link, the email citations over time, and compute several citation metrics.

In 1960, Eugene Garfield's Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) introduced the first citation index for papers published in academic journals (non-institutional email addresses, such as,,, when newly published articles cite any of the works in your profile. Choose the automatic

You don't need to do anything. citations to the edited article to be collected in your profile.

To be eligible for inclusion in Google Scholar search results, your profile needs

While future Citation Comments will address these topics, it is perhaps more important to stress here why scientists should get into the habit of literature searching. You should also keep in mind that what is considered a "good" h-index may differ depending on the scientific discipline.
Get started with Google Scholar under different names, with multiple groups of colleagues, or in different To add a verified yours, or "See all articles" to add specific articles from that group. You can pick the format for the exported articles that you can keep your profile for as long as you wish.

URL for your profile which you can add to your homepage or email to your Feel free to do

others. the same article is indeed listed multiple times, you can safely accept the

that make it difficult for our indexing algorithms to identify their Another shortcoming of human indexing is that there is an inevitable delay due to the time required to read or scan the papers and make subjective judgments about relevant descriptors. Once you're done with adding articles, it will ask you what to do when the guidelines for help on including your articles in Google Scholar. As a funder, you need the data and confidence to know where your investments can have the most impact. "My Citations" in the upper right of Google Scholar pages. In contrast, citation indexing does not involve this type of analysis, which enables the SCI, SSCI, and A&HCI to be virtually concurrent with the literature.

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