setfocus vba

... with Text box validation techniques for the past week and need to validate user input from the userform in an Excel VBA application. This code sample also uses the SetFocus method, and the EnterFieldBehavior, MultiLine, and Value properties. Creating a procedure by dumping the whole thing in the editor can result in it being dis-connected from the form or control): You must log in or register to reply here. Else Use the SetFocus method when you want all user input to be directed at a specific object. .SelLength = .TextLength If a form contains one or more enabled controls attempting to move the focus to the form, will set focus to the control on the form that last received focus. It is always null until the focus moves off of the control. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. habe es eben mit Excel 2003 probiert. erst mal euch allen FROHE OSTERN. .SelStart = 0 Ich hoffe mir kann auch diesmal jemand helfen. Without benefit of knowing exactly what controls are what and the process, I see the first part this way: Thank you, you have described exacxtly what the code should do. Else The user can select text in a TextBox and tab to other controls on a form, as well as transfer the focus to a second form. If .TextLength = 4 And Right(.Value, 1) > 1 Then .Value = Left(.Value, 3) & "0" & Right(.Value, 1) Sollte das Datum falsch sein wird eine MsgBox aufgerufen, danach soll wieder in das Datumsfeld gesprungen werden - funzt aber nicht. Turnier_AnDatum = Turnier_Datum To move the focus to a control on a subform, first move the focus to the subform control and then a second SetFocus for the control on the subform.

Setfocus vba to combobox. The Change event fires. If you solved your problem, then please mark the post resolved, Universal Windows Platform and Modern Windows Experience, Slow Chat with the Microsoft Visual Basic team, If this is your first visit, be sure to When a form is displayed, the default focus is on the first control in the form. The SetFocus property is induced and made part of the control's available properties by the msforms control when in a userform. Hallo Ernst, A form and controls on a form aren’t visible until the form's Load event has finished. Hello, It looks like you are interested in the SetFocus method described in MSDN. Few if any of us can write one thought and think another at the same time. For example, you can’t set a control’s Visible or Enabled properties to False (0) when that control has the focus. TextBox1.SetFocus End Sub Habe ich irgendetwas übersehen, gibt es in den Voreinstellungen vielleicht Irgendetwas? For example, a text box must have the focus before you can read its Text property. Oder 29.02 ?? Würde es denn auch anders gehen?!? SetFocus is the preferred method for moving focus, rather than DoCmd.GoToControl. If a form contains no enabled controls, then SetFocus will set focus to the form itself. End If wie prüfst Du ob die Eingabe 31 korrekt ist ?

Benutze das Exit Ereignis und Cancel=True. Hallo Ernst, This code sample also uses the SetFocus method, and the EnterFieldBehavior, MultiLine, and Value properties. Code: Have questions or feedback about Office VBA or this documentation? I have a Userform with 2 textboxes and 1 commandbutton, I'm trying to make the cursor moves depending on the value of textbox1, the logic is this: If value on textbox1 is minor than 2 then the cursor should setfocus on commandbutton and value for textbox2 should be "0". To use this example, follow these steps: Move the focus to a specific control on a form. wieso geht das nicht von: Sylvio Geschrieben am: 15.06.2005 15:26:06 Hallo ich habe ein sub: Private Sub A_b2TextBox1_KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal Shift As Integer) if keycode = vbreturn then bla bla bla A_b2TextBox1.Text = "" A_b2TextBox1.SetFocus …

I set up a simple test event (see below) to move the textbox focus back up to TextBox1 when Textbox2 is entered.

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Few if any of us can write one thought and think another at the same time.

von: Ernst JavaScript is disabled.

SetFocus is the preferred method for moving focus, rather than DoCmd.GoToControl, “When you write down your ideas you automatically focus your full attention on them. End If SetFocus is used when opening multiple copies of the same Access form.

von: Hajo_Zi

End If If .TextLength = 10 And IsDate(.Value) = False Then Gruß Ernst, Betrifft: AW: Setfocus im Userform Reading some control properties requires the control to have the focus. Insert a second form into this project named UserForm2. Hallo Erst, Ich möchte ja gerade bei Eingabe schon prüfen, ob das Datum korrekt ist. Betrifft: VBA SetFocus ???? I can put a CommandButton on the userform with Userform16.Textbox1.Setfocus and it works as expected to move the focus to Textbox1.

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